Deep Thoughts

Rick Warren (via Twitter): No one can control your emotions without your permission. Who are you allowing to ruin your day?

Monday, January 4

Mission Accomplished!

With some serious help from Rob, we managed to get all decorations boxed up and put in the attic, floors swept and mopped (where needed), trash hauled to the curb, the last of the laundry cylced through (though still waiting to be folded), regular decorations back in place on freshly dusted shelves, and all new toys at least in the toy room.

As mentioned previously, tomorrow I will do the toy exchange.


I feel like things are much more under control now which means I can rest much easier tonight, and I will feel more motivated to get up in the morning because the end is in sight.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I spent all day Sunday putting away my decorations save the wreaths and welcome lights in the windows. Those are staying up for a bit. Just motivated (threatened) the kids with Thank-yous needing to be done and their gifts needing to find homes in their rooms. School starts today and we finally got the house back in order...but what a great relaxing vacation we had! :)