Deep Thoughts

Rick Warren (via Twitter): No one can control your emotions without your permission. Who are you allowing to ruin your day?

Friday, October 23

A Great Compliment

Someone we have a casual relationship with dropped off their child at our house this evening for some play time. When invited, the mom asked if she could stick around for a while. I said that was fine, she could stay as long as she wanted for her and/or her child to feel comfortable. She came in, she visited for a few minutes, and left. Before leaving, she mentioned that she had asked one her friends to ask her husband (who apparently works in the athletic dept) if he would let his kids play at our house. He said "Yes, there is no question about that!" Apparently that was the only confirmation she needed, because other than ask what movie we would be watching, she seemed more than comfortable leaving her son after a quick good-bye to him.

I know our family isn't perfect, but it is nice to know that people I don't even know that well (I don't even know the guy she asked) recognize Rob and I as being responsible, trustworthy people.

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